As the exhaust valve of a car engine works under very heavy conditions, the edge of the head can be easily damaged so that the exhaust valve and the valve seat can not be in close contact with each other, air leakage occurs and the power is reduced. Exhaust valves are usually made of high-alloy silicon steel (silicon 2 to 3%, chromium 8 to 10%, carbon 0.35 to 0.3) or silicon-chromium-molybdenum high alloy steel (silicon 1.9 to 2.6%, chromium 9 to 10.5%, molybdenum 0.7 ~ 0.9%, carbon 0.35 ~ 0.45%). Both types of steel belong to the class of martensitic heat-stabilized steels, which have high heat resistance, corrosion resistance and high temperature strength at 700-800 ° C.