近年许多菜农通过种植早熟春甘蓝而获得较好的经济效益,也有部分菜农主观上为了争取春甘蓝早熟,违反客观规律,播种期过早,再加上栽培管理不当,使早熟春甘蓝发生“未熟抽薹”现象。 甘蓝属于春化作物,当幼苗长到7片真叶左右、叶宽5cm以上、茎粗0.6cm左右时,遇到0~15℃的低温,经过50~90天,就能通过春化发生“未熟抽薹”现象。特
In recent years, many farmers through the planting of early spring cabbage and get better economic benefits, but also some vegetable farmers in order to win the early spring cabbage, in violation of the objective law, premature sowing, coupled with improper cultivation and management, so that early spring cabbage “immature Bolting ”phenomenon. Cabbage is a vernalization crop, when seedlings grow to about 7 true leaves, leaf width 5cm above, about 0.6cm in stem diameter, encountered 0 ~ 15 ℃ low temperature, after 50 to 90 days, can occur through vernalization “ Not ripe bolting ”phenomenon. special