六大措施创造良好投资环境。中国已制定相关政策法规,允许境外投资者通过并购、BOT 等方式到中国来进行投资;允许符合条件的外商投资企业上市;鼓励跨国公司参与国有企业改组改造;进一步扩大外资参与不良资产重组与处置;允许外商以直接投资方式受让上市公司的法人股股权;鼓励跨国公司在华设立地区总部和
Six measures to create a good investment environment. China has formulated relevant policies and regulations to allow foreign investors to invest in China through mergers and acquisitions, BOTs, etc.; to allow qualified foreign-invested companies to list; to encourage transnational corporations to participate in the restructuring and transformation of state-owned enterprises; and to further expand the participation of foreign capital in the reorganization and disposal of non-performing assets. Allowing foreign investors to transfer listed company’s legal person shares by direct investment; encourage multinational companies to establish regional headquarters in China and