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英国中部低洼地区的工业城市斯托克,一所崭新中学——斯托克合作研究中学里,学生们整齐地站成一列。突然间,一阵骚动,学生们立刻整理领带,毕恭毕敬地站得笔直,他们的视线凝聚在一点上。这一天,2013年5月16日,英国王位继承人查尔斯王子不失优雅地快速走下特别加长版捷豹XJL汽车,他穿着灰白条纹西装、打着丝绸印花领带,胸前的口袋里点缀着手 Stoke, an industrial city in the low-lying central England, and a brand new high school, Stoke Collaborative Research Middle School, where students stand neatly together. Suddenly, a sudden commotion, the students immediately tidy ties, stood respectfully and straightforwardly, and their gaze condensed at one point. On this day, on May 16, 2013, Prince Charles, the heir to the throne of the United Kingdom, quickly and gracefully walked out of the special extended version of the Jaguar XJL car. He wore a silky striped suit with silk print ties, his chest pockets dotted with hands
4月21 日,广东省江门市汽运集团有限公司下属江门、鹤山、台山、开平、恩平、新会六大汽车总站以及胜利分站、双龙车站实行电脑联网售票。旅客在以上八个联网售票车站任何一