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摄影记者凯文·卡特曾于1997年在苏丹拍下了一张名为《饥饿的小女孩》的图片,图片上一个饥饿的黑人小孩跪倒在去救济所的路上,旁边是一只等着进食的兀鹰。这张照片让他摘得了普利策新闻奖。然而,正因为这张图片,他备受舆论压力和自我良心的谴责,最终选择了自杀。这个事件也成了日后众多新闻学院研究“记者职业道德与公众道德如何抉择”的一个典型案例。 Photojournalist Kevin Carter took a picture of “Hungry Little Girl” in Sudan in 1997, when a hungry black kid fell to his knees on his way to the relief center, next to a waiting Vulture eating. This photo earned him the Pulitzer Prize. However, precisely because of this picture, he was under public pressure and self-conscientious condemnation, and ultimately chose to commit suicide. This incident has also become a typical case study of many journalism colleges and universities in the future “How do journalists choose professional ethics and public morality?”
研究背景 鼻咽癌是我国南方多发肿瘤之一,其病因尚未明确。目前最有效的治疗手段是放射治疗。患者在放疗后出现远处转移和局部复发说明放疗效果不好,预后较差。鼻咽癌放射治