在炎热酷暑的夏季里,人们漫步到莲花池旁,会感到格外凉爽宜人,尤其是那一丛丛浮在水面上的睡莲,碧叶红花或白花,更使人赏心悦目。郭沫若同志的睡莲诗中云:“不要误会,我们并不是喜欢睡觉;只是不高兴暮气,晚上把花闭了。一过了子夜我们又开放得很早,提前欢迎着太阳上升,朝气来到”。相传睡莲与佛教有着千丝万缕的联系,佛教称莲有“七宝莲”其中五种都是睡莲。 睡莲又名子午莲、水浮莲,为多年生水生花卉,具短根状茎,叶卵圆形或心形、全缘,丛生。花单生梗端,浮于水面,花瓣8—15枚,内瓣小,外瓣大,萼片4枚,雄蕊多数,子午时间开花,花期6—8月,每朵花可连续开放4
In the hot summer season, people will feel particularly cool and pleasant as they stroll to the lotus pond, especially the water lilies, green leaves or white flowers floating on the water. Comrade Guo Moruo’s water lily poetry cloud: “Do not misunderstand, we do not like to sleep; just unhappy twilight, the flowers closed at night .Once of the night we are open very early, ahead of the sun welcomes the rise of vitality to” . According to legend, water lilies and Buddhism are inextricably linked, Buddhism, said Lotus has “Seven Lotus” of which five are water lilies. Water lily, also known as Zi Ling Lian, water lettuce, perennial aquatic flowers, with short rhizomes, leaves oval or heart-shaped, entire, tufted. Flowers solitary stem end, floating on the water, the petals 8-15, the small petal, large outer valve, sepals 4, most of the stamens, flowering at the meridian time, flowering 6-8 months, each flower can be open continuously 4