【摘 要】
THE micro-diamond inclusions in garnet from eclogite in the Dabie Mountains have been reported by the present authors. However, Prof. Liou, J. G. and Dr. Zhang
【出 处】
Chinese Science Bulletin
THE micro-diamond inclusions in garnet from eclogite in the Dabie Mountains have been reported by the present authors. However, Prof. Liou, J. G. and Dr. Zhang, R. Y. from the Stanford University of USA have expressed their doubts about our discovery of micro-diamond, considering its weak intensity of Raman peak in our determination. Recently, we have determined the micro-diamond inclusion from the same sample 9010574 (fig. 1), tested by
The micro-diamond inclusions in garnet from eclogite in the Dabie Mountains have been reported by the present authors. However, Prof. Liou, JG and Dr. Zhang, RY from the Stanford University of USA have expressed their doubts about our discovery of micro- diamond, considering its weak intensity of Raman peak in our determination. Recently, we have determined the micro-diamond inclusion from the same sample 9010574 (fig. 1), tested by
病例报告 患者男性,32岁,农民,因发现左中腹包块3月余,近几日来似有所增大,有轻压痛,食欲下降而来院就诊,于2000年3月24日入院。检查:T37℃、R20次/分、P90次/分,BP16/11kPa。慢性病
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笔者 1 998年 1月~ 2 0 0 0年 5月在施行食管贲门癌根治术中采取血液稀释法自体输血 34例 ,临床效果良好 ,现总结如下。1 临床资料本组 34例 ,男 2 1例 ,女 1 3例 ,年龄 42~ 6