
来源 :河北师范大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luxintian
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在鲁迅的小说、散文中,常有看似可有可无的“闲笔”,其实,“闲笔”不闲,作者往往在貌似闲笔的有限笔墨中,隐着丰厚、深刻的内涵,从对其小说、散文的个例分析,我们可看到鲁迅语言的精粹、笔墨的经济、内涵的腴厚。鲁迅堪称语言巨匠。 In Lu Xun’s novels and prose, often seemingly dispensable “idle pen”, in fact, “idle pen” is not free, the author often in the seemingly idle pen limited ink, hidden rich, profound connotation, From the case analysis of his novels and prose, we can see the essence of Lu Xun’s language, the economy and connotation of his works. Lu Xun called language master.