数学兴趣小组的同学们在老师的指导下,组织了一次别开生面的活动.活动之前,老师布置了一道特别的作业:请每一位同学留意身边的生活现象,并举出一个例子,来说明数学就在我们身边. 教室的黑板上写着彩色的大字:生活中的数学.旁边还画着美丽的图画,这是班里的“画家”刘
The students of the Mathematics Interest Group organized a unique activity under the guidance of the teacher. Before the activity, the teacher set up a special assignment: Ask each student to pay attention to the life around them and give an example to show that math is on our side. The classroom’s blackboard is written in big letters: mathematics in life. There are also beautiful pictures next to it. This is the “painter” Liu in the class.