水泥生产环境危害因素模糊综合评价福建省尤溪县卫生防疫站(365100)林碧生,杨小菊水泥生产环境的职业危害因素主要有粉尘、噪声、高温、一氧化碳,通常对其危害仅是用单项指标的合格率来评价,不能客观地反映事物的全貌 ̄[1],似乎存在着片面性。本文根据19...
Cement production environment risk factors fuzzy comprehensive evaluation Youxi County Health and Epidemic Prevention Station of Fujian Province (365100) Lin Bisheng, Yang Xiaoju occupational hazards in the cement production environment are mainly dust, noise, high temperature, carbon monoxide, the damage is usually only a single indicator The passing rate to evaluate, can not objectively reflect the overall picture of things [1], there seems to be one-sidedness. This article according to 19 ...