On Deepening Reform of Processing Trade Regulations

来源 :China & World Economy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:0364jill2
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The processing trade has, since 1996, taken half of the total import and export trade value for a consecutive six years. Despite the impact and influence of the Asian financial crisis, it has maintained a momentum of steady growth. In the five years from 1997 to 2001, import and export value through the processing trade grew at an annual average rate of 10.5 percent, with exports growing at an annual average rate of 11.8 percent. This good growth momentum continued into Since the impact and influence of the Asian financial crisis, it has maintained a momentum of steady growth. In the five years from 1997 to 2001, import and export value through the processing trade grew at an annual average rate of 10.5 percent, with exports growing at an annual average rate of 11.8 percent. This good growth momentum continued into
1. 区分工作空间:组织专家彼得·沃尔什认为,每个专业人士都要先扪心自问,我想在办公空间中做什么,这样能满足我的需求吗?在确立你希望和需要使用空间的目标后,按照你的日常功能设置区域。你可能需要为电脑设置工作区,为研究设置图书区,为办公用品设置存储区,为你的档案设置归档区。这为有效地利用空间奠定了基础。  2. 只在手边保留你需要的物品:你应该把马上需要的物品放在手边。成盒的钢笔、成堆的文件和旧咖啡