1 前言通常,用数控铣床或仿形铣床加工的模具自由曲面型腔表面较粗糙。型腔30μmRmax 表面粗糙度(即周期进给痕迹)将大于30μmRmax。必须通过后道工序的加工加以去除,才能获得表面粗糙度小于5μmR-max 的平滑表面。最终由技术工人用手工将这种平滑表面抛光到表面粗糙度小于0.3μmRmax 的镜面。本文介绍一种由日本科学家研究的新型磨削工
1 Introduction Generally, the surfaces of mold freeform cavities machined by CNC milling machine or copying milling machine are rough. The cavity 30μm Rmax surface roughness (ie periodic feed marks) will be greater than 30μmRmax. Must be removed by machining in the downstream process to obtain a smooth surface with a surface roughness of less than 5 μmR-max. This smoothed surface is finally manually polished by a skilled worker to a mirror whose surface roughness is less than 0.3 μm Rmax. This article presents a new type of grinder, researched by Japanese scientists