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一、森林永续经营利用的途径1、保护好现有森林以现有森林为基点,逐渐扩大森林覆盖率,进而绿化全国。如现有森林保护不好,基础常遭破坏,怎能谈到永继经营利用呢? 2、使更新跟上或超过采伐另一方面,要延长利用年限,在时间上给以缓衡,使后备资源接续上,使更新跟上采伐,不减少现有森林面积,是实现森林永续经营利用的基本条件。因此,所欠的新帐、旧帐必须在短期内还清,以发挥土地生长森林,生产木材的潜力。 First, the sustainable use of the forest approach 1, to protect the existing forest to the existing forest as the starting point, and gradually expand the forest coverage, and then afforest the country. If the existing forest protection is not good, the foundation is often destroyed, how can we talk about the use of eternal succession management? 2, to keep up with or update over the harvest On the other hand, to extend the useful life, to give time to balance Continued backup resources, so that updates keep logging, not to reduce the existing forest area, is to achieve the basic conditions for sustainable forest management. Therefore, the new account owed, the old account must be paid off in the short term in order to realize the potential of the land for forest growth and timber production.
Nine new α-aminophosphonate derivatives containing cyclopropane moiety have been synthesized via conventional and microwave irradiation methods under solvent-a
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Polyacrylonitrile(PAN)/Fe 3 O 4 composite nanofibers were successfully obtained through electrospinning and sol-gel technology. The resulting magnetic Fe 3 O 4
目的 探讨眼睑重叠综合征的诊断和治疗.方法 收集了2001年1月至2004年12月在我院就诊的18例患者,详细询问病史,进行裂隙灯显微镜检查、Schirmer Ⅰ试验、泪膜破裂时间(BUT)检查、虎红眼表染色,并统计分析患者的临床资料.结果 所有患者上睑缘附近的睑结膜均有不同程度的染色,13例患者角膜和球结膜不同程度的虎红染色,Schirmer Ⅰ试验(7.3±1.5)mm,BUT为(1.3±2.
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