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2015年1月29日,市十四届人大三次会议通过了《北京市居家养老服务条例》,这是全国首部针对居家养老服务的地方立法,也是本届市人民代表大会通过的第四部地方性法规。条例的通过,标志着以家庭为基础,在政府主导下,以城乡社区为依托,以社会保障制度为支撑,由政府提供基本公共服务,企业、社会组织提供专业化服务,基层群众性组织和志愿者提供公益 On January 29, 2015, the Third Session of the 14th National People's Congress of China passed the “Beijing Home Care Service for Elderly People,” which is the first local legislation on home-based retirement services and the fourth place approved by the current Municipal People's Congress Sexual laws and regulations. The passage of the Regulations marks that the government should provide basic public services based on the family, under the guidance of the government, based on the urban and rural communities, and on the basis of the social security system. The enterprises and social organizations should provide specialized services and grassroots mass organizations Volunteers provide public welfare
策划人语    2010年6月11日,中国科学院第十五次院士大会、中国工程院第十次院士大会落下帷幕。这是我国科学技术和工程技术界最高学术团体召开的一次盛会。在这次会议上,依照党中央为我国科技发展描绘的蓝图,加快经济发展方式转变,用知识迎接挑战,用知识创造未来成为科学界共同的誓言和使命。  6月12日,北京市科技界邀请了部分两院院士出席“科技北京”发展建设座谈会,为北京的科技发展“把脉开方”。北京市