总部设在沙特阿拉伯吉达市的伊斯兰发展银行特别助理去年9月到我国银川参加宁夏回族自治区主办的伊斯兰国家经济洽谈会和伊斯兰文化中心奠基仪式,今年3月2日重访宁夏,就伊斯兰银行出资四百万美元建立银川伊斯兰经学院和一所阿拉伯语学校进行工程项目和造价的实地考察,并就援建项目达成了意向. 伊斯兰发展银行主要对伊斯兰国家和非伊斯兰国家的穆斯林区的一些发展项目以赠款和无息贷款、长期低息贷款等方式提供资金.近几年,由于石油价格不断下跌,影响了欧佩
The special assistant to the Islamic Development Bank, headquartered in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, went to Yinchuan, China, in September to attend the foundation stone laying ceremony of the Islamic State Economic Forum and the Islamic Cultural Center sponsored by the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. He paid a return visit to Ningxia on March 2 this year, Invested US $ 4 million to establish a field trip on projects and costs for Yinchuan Islamic College and an Arabic school and reached an agreement on aiding the project. The Islamic Development Bank (IDB) has mainly focused on Islamic regions and Muslim regions in non-Islamic countries Development projects to grants and interest-free loans, long-term low-interest loans, etc. In recent years, due to falling oil prices, affecting OPEC