紫茉莉(Mirabills talapa)是很多人都熟悉的大众花卉,色彩斑斓,花型也很可爱。它是紫茉莉科紫茉莉属多年生宿根草本花卉,块根纺锤形,表皮棕黑色,茎叉状分枝多,高50~80厘米,叶对生,三角状卵形,顶端渐尖。花常3~6朵集生于枝顶,高脚碟形,筒部较长,4~5厘米,花萼呈花冠状,喇叭形,波状浅裂,有白、红、黄及复色,5~11月傍晚开放,翌日中午闭合,其香味似茉莉,花多紫红色,故名紫茉莉。紫茉莉生性强健,极少病虫害,栽培容易,管理粗放。既可地栽也宜盆植,它不甚择土,从沙质土到轻黏土,从微酸性土到弱碱性土都能适应,以种植在疏松肥沃的沙
Mirabills talapa is a popular flower that many people are familiar with, colorful and cute. It is the genus Mirabilis Mirabilis is a perennial perennial herb flowers, root spindle-shaped, brown-green skin, stems and fork-shaped branches and more, 50 to 80 cm high, leaves opposite, triangular-ovate, apical tip. Flower often 3 to 6 sets in the branch top, high disc shape, tube longer, 4 to 5 cm, calyx was corolla, trumpet, wavy lobed, with white, red, yellow and complex color, May to November It opens in the evening and closes at noon the following day. Its fragrance resembles jasmine and flowers are more purple, hence its name Mirabilis. Mirabilis strong sexual health, very few pests and diseases, cultivation is easy, extensive management. It can not only planted potted plants, it is not very selective, from sandy soil to light clay, from slightly acidic soil to weak alkaline soil can be adapted to grow in the loose and fertile sand