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基于激光投影显示系统中散斑形成机理,从理论上分析了影响投影系统中散斑抑制的两个关键参数,即统计独立散斑图像数量N和探测器成像镜头在观测屏上一个分辨基元内投影镜头分辨基元的数量M。参数M或N值的增大,都将有效降低散斑图像的对比度,但即使投射到屏幕上的独立散斑图像数目N实现巨大,即N→∞,也只能将散斑图像对比度降至1/M。在简化投影系统中,利用旋转小散射片产生统计独立散斑图像的方法,通过系统实验,比较了同一散斑抑制技术用于激光非投影和投影系统中散斑抑制的程度,以及投影镜头F数和探测器成像镜头F数的变化对参数M和散斑抑制的影响。结果表明:对于相同N值和检测条件,投影镜头的存在使散斑图像对比度从0.146提高到了0.427,呈现的散斑更严重,且投影镜头F数的增大还会进一步恶化散斑图像,这使得激光投影系统的小型化受到挑战。 Based on the speckle forming mechanism in laser projection display system, two key parameters that affect the speckle repression in projection system are theoretically analyzed. That is to say, the number of independent speckle images N and a resolving element The number M of inner projection lenses resolves primitives. The increase of parameter M or N will effectively reduce the contrast of the speckle image. However, even if the number of independent speckle images projected onto the screen N is huge, ie, N → ∞, the speckle image contrast will only be reduced to 1 / M. In the simplified projection system, a method of producing a statistical independent speckle image by rotating a small scattering plate is used to systematically test the degree of speckle suppression used in the non-projection and projection system of a laser by the same speckle suppression technique and a projection lens F The Effect of the Variation of F Number and Detector Lens F on Parameter M and Speckle Suppression. The results show that the speckle image contrast increases from 0.146 to 0.427 for the same N-value and detection conditions, and the speckle appears more serious. The increase of the F number of the projection lens will further deteriorate the speckle image, which Making the miniaturization of the laser projection system is challenged.
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