发作性睡病是一种慢性睡眠障碍性疾病,严重影响患者的生活质量。其临床症状包括日间过度睡眠、猝倒发作、睡前幻觉和睡眠瘫痪等。自该病发现至今已有100多年,但近年科学家才阐明其发病机制。Ⅰ型发作性睡病是由易患个体经免疫介导下视丘分泌素神经元丢失造成的;猝倒发作和过度睡眠的神经机制也越来越清晰,而Ⅱ型发作性睡病的发病机制尚不清楚。“,”Narcolepsy is a chronic lifelong sleep disorder and it often leaves a debilitating effect on the quality of life of the sufferer.This disorder is characterized by a tetrad of excessive daytime sleepiness ,cata-plexy,hypnogogic hallucinations and sleep paralysis.For over 100 years,clinicians have recognized narcolepsy, but only in the last few decades have scientists been able to shed light on the true cause and pathogenesis of narcolepsy.In the majority of subjects,typeⅠnarcolepsy is caused by autoimmune-mediated loss of hypocre-tin-secreting neurons in genetically predisposed individuals.The basic neural mechanisms behind sleepiness and cataplexy,the two defining symptoms of narcolepsy have started to become clearer .The pathophysiology of type Ⅱ narcolepsy is less well understood.