依靠科技进步是加快发展少数民族地区卫生事业的重大战略措施,是加速发展民族地区卫生事业的根本途径。“科技兴医”要向农村辐射,要把“科技兴医”的战略重点放到农村去。为此,1995年6月,在纪念毛泽东同志“把医疗卫生工作的重点放到农村去”的指示发表30周年之际,我们结合少数民族地区农村卫生工作的实际,提出并开展了“卫生科技支农”活动。现将1年来实践情况总结如下,供同道商榷。1 卫生科技支农的形式与方法
Relying on scientific and technological progress is a major strategic measure for accelerating the development of health care in ethnic minority areas, and it is the fundamental way to accelerate the development of health services in ethnic minority areas. “Science and technology to develop medical science” must radiate to rural areas. We must put the strategic focus of “science and technology to promote medical care” in rural areas. To this end, in June 1995, in commemorating the 30th anniversary of Comrade Mao Zedong’s instructions to “put the emphasis of the medical and health work on the countryside”, we put forward and launched the “Health Science and Technology” in light of the actualities of rural health work in ethnic minority areas. Support agriculture activities. The practice in the past year is summarized as follows for the same trader. 1 Forms and methods of health science and technology