由李学勤任主编 ,童超、赫治清、卢俊卿任副主编的《中华姓氏谱》第 1辑 10卷 ,于今年 9月由现代出版社与华艺出版社联合出版。 10月 9日在北京人民大会堂举行了首发式 ,季羡林、周一良等著名学者出席并致辞。专家们认为 ,中华姓氏文化研究具有重大的学术意义和现实意义。姓氏
By Li Xueqin Ren editor, Tong Chao, He Zhichun, Lu Junqing deputy editor of the “Chinese surname spectrum” first series of 10 volumes, in September this year by the Modern Press and Huayi Publishing House jointly published. On October 9, the first episode was held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Famous scholars such as Ji Xianlin and Zhou Yiliang attended and addressed the speech. Experts believe that the study of Chinese surname culture has great academic and practical significance. Last name