大岩桐(Sinningia speciosa)是苦苣苦科苔苣苔属多年生球根肉质草本花卉。具肥大的扁球形褐色地下球茎,地上茎极短,株高12~25厘米,全株密被绒毛;叶对生,长椭圆形或长椭圆状卵形,边缘有钝锯齿,叶背稍带红色:花梗比叶长,顶生或腋生,花大,阔针形或大喇叭型,花色有深墨色、粉红色、红色、紫色、白色或镶白边的品种,花瓣有丝绒质感。植株小巧玲珑,叶茂翠绿,花大艳丽,特别是一些通过杂交选育育出的重瓣品种,其波状花瓣重叠开放,更是十分雍容华贵。大岩桐是著名的室内观赏花卉,置于窗台、书桌或几架上,极为别致。冬岩桐原产巴西,现世界各地均有栽培。生长期需高温、潮湿和半阴环境,冬季休眠期应保持干燥,温度8~
Sinningia speciosa is a perennial bulbous fleshy herbaceous flower of the bitter genus Picaceae. With bulky flat spherical brown underground bulbs, the ground stem is very short, plant height of 12 to 25 cm, the whole plant densely tomentose; leaves opposite, oblong or oblong-ovate, the edge of a blunt serrated, reddish green leaves : Pedicel than the leaf length, terminal or axillary, flowers large, broad pin or horn, dark ink color, pink, red, purple, white or white trim varieties, petal velvet texture. Small and exquisite plants, leafy green, large flowers, especially some of the breeding by breeding of double-breed varieties, the wavy overlapping petal open, it is very elegant. Ophiopogon is famous indoor ornamental flowers, placed on windowsills, desks or on the rack, very chic. Dongyutong native Brazil, is now cultivated around the world. Growing period to be high temperature, humidity and half shade environment, winter dormancy should be kept dry, the temperature is 8 ~