
来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bittermonkey
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This study is focused on a steady dissipative layer, which is generated by Marangoni convection flow over the surface resulted from an imposed temperature gradient, coupled with buoyancy effects due to gravity and external pressure. A model is proposed with Marangoni condition in the boundary conditions at the interface. The similarity equations are determined and approximate analytical solutions are obtained by an efficient transformation, asymptotic expansion and Padé approximant technique. For the cases that buoyancy force is favorable or unfavor-able to Marangoni flow, the features of flow and temperature fields are investigated in terms of Marangoni mixed convection parameter and Prantl number. This study is focused on a steady dissipative layer, which is generated by Marangoni convection flow over the surface resulted from an imposed temperature gradient, coupled with buoyancy effects due to gravity and external pressure. A model is proposed with Marangoni condition in the boundary conditions at the interface equations. The similarity equations are determined and approximate analytical solutions are obtained by an efficient transformation, asymptotic expansion and Padé approximant technique. For the cases that buoyancy force is favorable or unfavor-able to Marangoni flow, the features of flow and temperature fields are investigated in terms of Marangoni mixed convection parameter and Prantl number.
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