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“2014年是中国SUV市场火爆发展的一年,同样也是各大汽车厂商竞争火爆的一年。随着人们消费的日趋理想,安全已经成为了消费者购车的重点考虑因素。很多消费者选择SUV车型,也是看着SUV车型相比一般轿车在安全性方面更有优势。在众多SUV车型中,哪款车的安全性更好呢?东风标致3008在2014年C-NCAP碰撞测试中以58.0分获得5星级评价,这一成绩也是同级别欧系SUV车型中的最好成绩,显示出优异的安全性,入选了‘年度安全车’。东风标致市场部副部长董安银表示,获得5星级安全的好成绩不仅说明了3008卓越的安全性能,更证明了3008在SUV市场中优秀的品质和出众的实力;同时,获得这一荣誉更表现了东风标致品牌的安全理念是切实有效的。” “2014 is the year that China’s SUV market explodes hotly, it is also the year that competition of major automobile manufacturers is hot.With the increasingly ideal of people’s consumption, safety has already become the key consideration that consumers buy a car.Many consumers choose SUV models, but also look at SUV models compared to the general car in the safety of more advantages in many SUV models, which car is more secure? Dongfeng Peugeot 3008 in the 2014 C-NCAP crash test to 58.0 Points to obtain 5-star rating, this result is also the same level of European-style SUV models in the best results, showing excellent safety, selected the ’annual safety car’ Dongfeng Peugeot Marketing Vice Minister, said access to 5 stars Good grade safety not only shows the 3008 excellent safety performance, but also proved the 3008 in the SUV market excellent quality and superior strength; at the same time, access to this honor shows the safety concept of Dongfeng Peugeot brand is effective. ”
滑板教堂是一座位于亚内拉(阿斯图里亚斯)的老教堂.Iniciativas Habitat公司(简称IH公司)最先将它收购下来,对其进行了初步的修复.“教堂突击队”组织随后对其实施了改造,使
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