
来源 :中国财政 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ken99win
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广西陆川滑石矿在贯彻“两参一改三结合”的先进的企业管理方法中,创造性地运用了班组核算、经济活动分析会与社会主义竞赛三者相桔合的成本管理方法。实行以来,一改过去单纯依靠几个财务干部管财务的那种冷清清的局面,而与超额完成生产任务相配合,在成本管理中形成了群众运动,使这项工作进 Guangxi Luchuan Talc Mine has creatively applied the cost management method of combining group accounting, economic activity analysis with socialist competition in carrying out the advanced enterprise management method of “changing two parties, one company, and three companies together.” Since its implementation, it has changed the situation of desertification that used to be the financial management of a few financial officers simply in the past, and in coordination with over-fulfilling production tasks, formed a mass movement in cost management to make this work into