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前身为电子工业车间的厂房,现在成为生机勃勃的当代艺术社区。但是目前计划抹平现有环境,建设上百万平方米的新型高层住宅。我们提出另类构想,旨在保护逐渐形成的都市景观,同时满足发展商需要的平方米数。我们设计了一个新城区,浮在老城区上方,大部分现有环境保持原汁原味。受 Formerly an electronics industrial workshop, it is now a vibrant contemporary art community. However, plans are now being made to smooth the existing environment and build millions of square meters of new high-rise residential buildings. We propose alternative ideas designed to protect the evolving urban landscape while meeting the square meters needed by developers. We designed a new city, floating above the old town, most of the existing environment to maintain its original flavor. By
1    热热闹闹的寒假过完了,新学期的紧张生活又开始了。尤其是初三的学生,为了迎接六月那几天多雨的日子,厉兵秣马。不错,因为那会是一场战争,虽无硝烟,却也足够激烈。  这样的时光是匆忙的。  成敏知道,即使只有一天的懈怠,都有可能让对手占了上风。为了不让这样的结果出现,她匆忙着,却又匆忙得不亦乐乎。  她是班里的尖子生,在全年级也绝对是高手。班主任喜欢她,她是班里能考取重点高中的希望。学校的升学