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大自然有着得天独厚的、丰富的自然资源,而这些资源同时也隐藏着无穷无尽的教育资源。自然界里五彩缤纷的花朵,优美动听的鸟声,以及蝉声、波浪声、树叶声交互辉映,奏出了一曲曲和谐之歌,在幼儿幼小的心灵深处播下了美的种子,陶冶了情操。正如《纲要》中指出:“环境是重要的教育资源,幼儿的发展是在与周围环境的相互作用下实现的,良好的教育环境对幼儿的身心发展具有积极的促进作用。”幼儿园要因地制宜,勤俭节约,从本园实际出发,充分利用自身的条件和现有资源,努力为幼儿创设适宜发展的教育环境。 Nature has a unique and rich natural resources, but these resources also hide the endless educational resources. The colorful flowers in nature, the beautiful bird sounds, and the sound of cicadas, wavy sounds and leaves interact with each other, playing a song of harmony and sowing the seeds of beauty in the young children’s deep heart, cultivating sentiments . As the “Outline” states: “The environment is an important educational resource. The development of young children is achieved through interaction with the surrounding environment. A good educational environment plays an active role in promoting the physical and mental development of young children.” According to local conditions, thrifty and thrifty, starting from the actual park, make full use of their own conditions and existing resources, and strive to create suitable for young children’s educational environment.
为了实现脱贫致富奔小康的目标,塔贤村党支部树立长期艰苦创业的思想,支部班子一届连着一届展开了接力赛。图为原支书董宗昌和现任支书王志伟察看小麦长势。 In order to a
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时间当代。地点福得来烧鸡分店内外。人物老康婆子女,50岁,崩康乐果、卖康乐果的。(简称康) 小周女,30岁,烧鸡店售货员。(简称周) 女老板36岁,烧鸡店老板。(简称女) [康推着
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颅顶骨凹陷症又称颅顶骨对称性凹陷、颅顶骨吸收(Parietal bone absorption)及颅顶骨萎缩症等。是一种少见的颅骨病变,好发于老年人。我们遇见6例,部分表现特殊,现结合复习