在老一辈知名画家中,不少人学贯中西,他们幼时学画多以中国画入手,及长,改学西画,赴法国或东渡日本深造,西画造诣颇深,而后又渐渐回归中国画,年已八旬的老画家阳太阳在艺术上也经历了这么一个曲折的过程。他的艺术道路大致可以分为以下四个阶段。 第一个时期:从开始学画至抗日战争爆发,由日本归国。 阳太阳幼名杨换,1909年12月6日出生,广西桂林市郊芦笛岩下庙门前村(今新华村)人。其父是一名中医,在桂林城内开有一家中药铺,好字画,家中藏有石印的《芥
Many well-known painters in the older generation learned a lot from Chinese and Western studies. When they were young, they learned to draw Chinese paintings more often than they did when they studied Chinese painting. They went to France or studied in Japan for further studies in Japan. The old artist Yang Taiyang, who has been in his late eighties, has also experienced such a twists and turns in his art. His artistic path can be roughly divided into the following four stages. The first period: from the beginning of painting to the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, returned by Japan. Young sun Yang change, born December 6, 1909, Guangxi Guilin suburbs Reed Flute Cave Temple (now Xinhua Village) people. His father is a Chinese medicine practitioners, opened in Guilin city, a Chinese medicine shop, good calligraphy and painting, possession of stone-printed "mustard