
来源 :开封医专学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:moovent_chrisx
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1 资料与方法1.1 研究对象1.1.1 一般情况 :接受治疗者为本院妇科门诊及妇科普查中发现的宫颈糜烂患者 ,均已婚 ,其中中度糜烂 98例 ,重度糜烂 6 2例 ,微波组年龄 2 3岁~ 4 8岁 ,平均 35.5岁 ,激光组年龄 2 4岁~ 4 9岁 ,平均36 .5岁 ,治疗时间均选在月经干净后 3d~ 7d1 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Subjects 1.1.1 General situation: the treatment of patients with gynecological clinics and gynecological censuses found in cervical gynecological patients were married, including 98 cases of moderate erosion, severe erosion of 62 cases of microwave group Age 2 3 years old to 48 years old with an average of 35.5 years old, the laser group aged 24 to 49 years old with an average of 36.5 years old, the treatment time were selected in the menstrual clean 3d ~ 7d1