大型舞剧《星海·黄河》是广州文化建设的一座里程碑,是广州文化建设者们在奋进激流中的歌吟,它在艺术天空中挥起了一道亮丽耀眼的彩虹。正是那舞动着的旋律,让那古老、奔流不息的黄河散发出震撼心魄的魅力;正是那舞动着的韵律,再创了人民音乐家冼星海艺术生命中流光溢彩般的辉煌。它展示了现代大都市广州文化人的胸怀、眼光和孜孜不倦勤奋耕耘的那份执著—— 本栏几篇文章从不同角度描绘了这座里程碑建设者的建设历程,给人以启示。
The big dance drama “Xinghai Yellow River” is a milestone in Guangzhou’s cultural construction. It is a song sung by Guangzhou’s cultural builders in a stream of excitement and excitement. It wields a brilliant rainbow in the artistic sky. It is the dancing melody that lets the ancient, endless Yellow River exudes a soul-stirring charm; it is the dancing rhythm that recreates the magnificent glory of the people musician Xian Xinghai’s artistic life. It shows the cultural mind of modern Guangzhou metropolis, vision and perseverance diligently hard-working - several articles in this column from different angles depict the construction process of this milestone builders, give enlightenment.