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相声一直是人民群众喜闻乐见的艺术形式,尤其在每年央视的春节联欢晚会上,相声更是一道不可缺少的文化大餐。上世纪七八十年代,上海相声界也曾出现过于振寰、叶惠贤、周嘉陵、郭海滨等优秀的相声演员,创作了不少优秀的作品。然而,一方面由于他们都属于非专业相声演员,另一方面也由于缺少一个平台将他们组织起来,北方相声始终难以在上海的土壤里扎根,难逃“南橘北枳”的命运。近年来,随着大量外来人口的涌入,上海的城市人口结构发生了很大变化,加之文化体制改革的不断深入和民营演出团体的崛起,一批年轻的北方相声演员到上海创业发展,带动了上海本土有志于发展相声的青年人相继组成数个相声团体。他们面对习惯于欣赏滑稽戏、独脚戏的上海观众,在生活艰苦、创业艰难的情况下,大刀阔斧地对传统相声进行改造,创造性地将上海滑稽戏、评弹等艺术样式自然融入相声表演,在上海掀起了一股听相 Cross talk has always been the art form loved by the masses, especially in the CCTV Spring Festival gala every year, crosstalk is an indispensable cultural feast. In the seventies and eighties of last century, the Shanghai crosstalk circles also had outstanding crosstalk performers such as Zhen Huan, Ye Huixian, Zhou Jialin and Guo Haibin, and produced many excellent works. However, on the one hand, they all belong to non-professional comic artists. On the other hand, they also organize themselves due to the lack of a platform. The comic dialogues in the North have always been difficult to take root in the soil of Shanghai and can not escape the fate of the “Southern Orange and Northern Trifoliate Oranges.” In recent years, with the influx of a large number of migrants, the urban population structure in Shanghai has undergone great changes. In addition to the continuous deepening of the reform of the cultural system and the rise of private performance groups, a group of young northern crosstalk actors went to Shanghai for business development, Shanghai local interested in the development of comic young people have formed a number of comic groups. In the face of hard life and tough start-ups, Shanghai audiences who are accustomed to enjoying comic and one-legged play make drastic changes to their traditional comic dialogues and creatively incorporate artistic styles such as Shanghai funny shows and Pingtan into comic performances in Shanghai Set off a hearing
<正> 社会主义市场经济体制的建立,为搞活房管部门直管非住宅房屋经营创了良好的外部条件.1992年以来,常州市房管部门坚持走改革之路,在搞活非住宅房屋经营方面进行大胆的探
肝癌是最常见的恶性肿瘤之一。检出时有症状的肝癌患者5 a生存率不足10%,合并门静脉侵犯者生存期仅2.7~4.0个月。临床上将单个结节最大直径不超过3 cm或两个结节直径之和不超
<正> 如今,长乐的名声在外,是因为其强劲发展的纺织业,“百亿纺织城”成了长乐的代名词。 据了解,长乐纺织工业是该市国民经济的第一大产业,居“全省老大,全国老六”,已形成