通过坚持以施有机肥为主 ,加强肥水管理 ,进行土壤改良 ;按照板栗生长发育规律 ,改善光照条件 ,增强树势 ,提高板栗自身抗逆性 ;根据板栗害虫的生活习性及发生规律 ,按照“预防为主 ,综合防治”的方针 ,以不用或少用化学农药的综合技术措施建立无污染、高标准的生态型板栗丰产园 ,是保护生态环境 ,提供天然绿色食品、提高板栗产量质量、增加经济效益的重要措施。
According to the rules of growth and development of chestnut, the illumination conditions were improved, the tree vigor was enhanced and the self-resistance of chestnut was increased. According to the habit and occurrence of chestnut pests, Prevention-oriented and integrated prevention and treatment ", and set up a pollution-free and high-standard eco-type chestnut bumper garden with comprehensive technical measures of using less or less chemical pesticides. This is to protect the ecological environment, provide natural green food, increase the yield and quality of chestnut, Economic benefits of the important measures.