目前,在国家出台扩大内需十项措施中,第一条便是“加快建设保障性安居工程”。2009至2011年,中央财政将投资9000亿元用于廉租住房、经济适用住房建设和棚户区改造,三年解决全国1 000万户低收入家庭的住房困难问题。这无疑也让身处经济危机阴云下的楼宇对讲企业看见了新的市场曙光。保障性住房牵动对讲行业发展楼宇对讲产业与房地产业息息相关,而房地产业又与国家的宏观经济政策关系密切。
At present, among the ten measures that the State has introduced to expand domestic demand, the first is “to speed up the construction of affordable housing projects.” From 2009 to 2011, the central government will invest 900 billion yuan for low-rent housing, affordable housing and shantytowns, and solve the housing difficulties of 10 million low-income families across the country in three years. This will undoubtedly let the building intercom companies in the shadow of economic crisis see the new market dawn. Intercom-based housing protection intercom industry development Intercom industry and real estate is closely related to the real estate industry and the country’s macroeconomic policy is closely related.