氯是一种强烈的刺激性气体,主要作用于支气管和细支气管,导致支气管痉挛、支气管炎、支气管周围炎。大量吸入可引起中毒性肺水肿。本例报导的是:刺激性有害气体进入人体后,在出现呼吸系统症状的同时,又出现心电图改变的一例报导。一、临床资料: 男性、42岁、工人,患者在维修管道时,不慎吸入氯气,一小时后,自觉咽干、胸闷、气短。查体,血压180/100mmHg,心率:72次/分,律齐未闻杂音,双肺呼吸音粗,偶闻干啰音,左肺呼吸音减低,肺底可闻少许湿啰音,肝脾未扪及,胸片示:双肺纹理增强,既往史:18年前患过“高血压”,经治疗好转,平时血压为130/90mmHg。临床诊断:急性中度氯气中毒。二、心电图特征:
Chlorine is a strong irritant gas that acts mainly on the bronchi and bronchioles, causing bronchospasm, bronchitis, and peribronchitis. Inhalation can cause toxic pulmonary edema. This case report is: irritating harmful gases into the body, respiratory symptoms appear in the same time, another case of ECG changes reported. First, the clinical data: Male, 42 years old, workers, patients in the maintenance of the pipeline, inadvertently inhaled chlorine, one hour later, conscious throat, chest tightness, shortness of breath. Physical examination, blood pressure 180 / 100mmHg, heart rate: 72 beats / min, law Qi unheard noise, coarse lung breath sounds, even heard dry rales, left lung breath sounds reduced, the lungs can smell a little wet rales, liver and spleen Not palpable, chest X-ray showed: double lung texture enhancement, past history: 18 years ago had “high blood pressure”, after treatment improved, usually blood pressure was 130 / 90mmHg. Clinical diagnosis: acute moderate chlorine poisoning. Second, the ECG features: