急性血栓性浅静脉炎是周围血管疾病静脉系统疾病之一,是临床的常见病和多发病,以局部疼痛、条索、硬结为主要表现,严重者可影响工作和生活.庞鹤教授根据多年的临床经验,采用经方辨证论治急性血栓性浅静脉炎.他认为急性血栓性浅静脉炎的病机是气虚血瘀、湿毒阻络,治疗上采用辨证求因,辨证、辨病、整体与局部辨证相结合的方法,同时注重调畅气机、内外同治,取得了较好的临床效果.“,”Acute thrombophlebitis superficial phlebitis is a common peripheral vascular disease of the ve-nous system,which has high incidence.The main symptoms are local pain,trabs and nodules.Work and life could be affected in serious ones.Professor PANG He treats acute thrombophlebitis superficial phlebi-tis with classic prescription in his years of clinical experiences.He believes the pathogenesis of acute thrombophlebitis superficial phlebitis qi deficiency leading to blood stasis,and dampness toxic blocking collaterals,and in the treatment,he advocates syndrome differentiation and explores the pathogen.The combination of syndrome differentiation,disease differentiation,global differentiation and local differenti-ation are used.Meanwhile,pay atterntion to qi movement regulation,treatment on both external and in-ternal,which has good effect.