在秦岭主峰太白山南坡的冰蚀湖西佛爷池中取得一个深50 cm的沉积物柱芯(XFYC12-2)。对XFYC12-2的样品做加速器质谱(AMS)14C测年和有机碳、氮稳定同位素分析,并据此重建这一高山湖泊周边过去1800多年的气候-环境变化。结果表明:1811~1380(或1440)a BP偏冷干;1380(或1440)~840 a BP温暖湿润,这一阶段可能与中世纪暖期相当;840~460(或520)a BP转为寒冷干旱,这一阶段或许相当于小冰期;460(或520)~100 a BP又趋暖湿。上述气候-环境变化过程与太白山南坡高海拔地段另外两个湖附近的变化过程、中国东部地区的总体变化趋势及其他4个地点的变化过程相似。
A 50 cm deep sediment column core (XFYC12-2) was obtained from the Siberian pond in the glacial lake on the southern slope of Taibai Mountain, the main peak of Qinling Mountains. Accelerated mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C dating and organic carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyzes of XFYC12-2 samples were used to reconstruct the climate-environment changes that have taken place over 1800 years of the alpine lake. The results show that: 1811 ~ 1380 (or 1440) a BP is cold and dry; 1380 (or 1440) ~ 840 a BP is warm and humid, which may be equivalent to the Middle Ages warm period; 840 ~ 460 Drought, this stage may be equivalent to the small ice age; 460 (or 520) ~ 100 a BP and warm and wet. The above climate-environmental change process is similar to the changes in the other two lakes near the southern slope of Taibai Mountain, the overall trend in eastern China and the changes in the other four locations.