1995年以来,我们采用自行设计的尿管导引器对153例重症前列腺疾患及尿道狭窄患者施行扩张导尿,疗效满意,现报告如下:1 资料与方法1.1 一般资料:本组153例,其中前列腺疾患所致尿潴留142例,年龄59~91岁,尿道损伤后所致尿潴留11例,年龄16
Since 1995, we have used a self-designed urinary catheter introducer to treat 153 patients with severe prostate disease and urethral stricture with dilation catheterization. The results are as follows: 1 Materials and methods 1.1 General information: 153 cases in this group Of these, 142 cases of urinary retention due to prostate disease, aged 59 to 91 years, 11 cases of urinary retention due to urethral injury, age 16