当欧文满脸胡子茬地打着替补时, “老”这个词已经无可避免地落在了一大批球员的身上,大家不禁会有唏嘘的感叹。但是,在本赛季不少老将却发挥出了极高的竞技水平:范德萨在曼联就是难以逾越的龙门;吉格斯是曼联核心的核心;因扎吉尽管38了还能获得AC米兰的合同。我们不能不说,能够看到他们,是幸运,也是奇迹。我们的时间总是在等待中度过,等车等人等降价等上市,上班的时候总等着周五放假满怀欣喜,周末的时候总想着周一就要上班无比痛苦。反正如果你总是在等待,总有一天等到老也不知道自己该干什么,解雇老板或者被老板解雇,听起来不是个好主意。
When Owen stamped his beard stubbornly off the bench, the word “old” has inevitably landed on a large number of players, and everyone can not help sighing. However, many veterans this season have played a very high level of competition: Van der Sar at Manchester United is insurmountable goalkeeper; Ryan Giggs is the core of Manchester United core; Inzaghi although 38 can get AC Milan contract. We can not but say that being able to see them is both lucky and a miracle. Our time is always waiting in the middle of waiting for cars and other price cuts and other listed, always waiting for work on Friday when the holiday full of joy, weekends always want to go to work on a very painful. Anyway, if you’re always waiting, it’s not a good idea to wait until the old one does not know what to do, dismiss the boss, or be fired by the boss.