《水晶之焰》是一部原创的故事。讲述的是在一座由受过各种挫折的人们所聚集的城市中,开有一家“S&A 侦探事务所”。这是一家由流浪街头的修、美少年明,以及女高中生真奈美与绫香四人合办的侦探事务所。动画的主线就将围绕着这家侦探事务所展开。
“Crystal Flame” is an original story. It tells of a “S & A detective office” in a city of people who have suffered various setbacks. This is a by the vagrancy street repair, beautiful boyhood, and female high school students really beauty and Ayaka four co-organized detective firm. The animation's main line will revolve around the detective firm.