
来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:RRR6670
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1.胡萝卜是一种比较容易贮藏的蔬菜。在低温和高湿的环境下,可以贮藏4、5个月,而仍有很高的食用价值。但是在高温低湿的环境下,重量的减轻,仍然是很严重的。要减少胡萝卜在贮藏期中皱缩的办法,除了增加贮藏室中的湿度以外,就是涂蜡。涂蜡不独可以减少水分的蒸发,同时还可以保持胡萝卜的营养成分。2.本试验用了二种不同涂蜡的方法,一种是将整个胡萝卜的表面都涂蜡,另一种是仅涂在根颈处切口的表面。经过80日的冷藏(32℉.~34℉.)以后,这二种处理都比未经涂蜡的,可以减少它在贮藏期中重量的损失,以及保持其原来鲜红的颜色与硬度。但这二种涂蜡方法的结果,对于重量的减轻,并无显著的差异。所以皱缩作用,主要的是由于切口处的蒸发,仅有一小部分才是由于其他表面的蒸发。故用涂蜡的方法,来防止胡萝卜的重量的减轻,只须涂其切口面即足。3.不论是在周皮层,维管束鞘,靱皮部或木质部的薄壁细胞,当水分蒸发过大时,其细胞壁都会皱缩。皱缩的快慢,一方面似与该组织的成熟度有关;另一方面则依照细胞壁的厚薄。柔软的组织,与薄壁细胞皱缩较快;老熟的厚壁细胞,皱缩较慢。皱缩作用进行到最后,会引起组织的破裂。这种破裂的组织,先发生在靱皮部,其次是在木质部,及维管束鞘,最后,才及于形成层。 1. Carrots are vegetables that are easier to store. In low temperature and high humidity environment, it can be stored for 4 or 5 months while still having high food value. However, in the environment of high temperature and low humidity, the weight reduction is still very serious. To reduce the shrinkage of carrots during storage, besides increasing the humidity in the storage room, it is waxing. Waxing can not only reduce the evaporation of water, but also maintain the nutritional content of carrots. 2. This experiment used two different waxing methods. One was to wax the entire carrot surface, and the other was to cut only the surface of the neck. After 80 days of refrigerated storage (32°F to 34°F.), both treatments are less wax-free, reducing its weight loss during storage and maintaining its original bright red color and hardness. However, the results of these two methods of waxing have no significant difference in weight reduction. Therefore, the shrinkage effect is mainly due to the evaporation at the incision, and only a small part is due to the evaporation of other surfaces. Therefore, the method of wax coating is used to prevent the weight of carrots from being reduced. 3. Whether in the cortex of the pericylia, vascular sheath, pupa or xylem cells, when the water evaporates excessively, its cell walls will shrink. The speed of shrinkage, on the one hand, seems to be related to the maturity of the organization; on the other hand, it depends on the thickness of the cell wall. Soft tissue, with shrinking parenchyma cells faster; mature thick-walled cells, shrinking slowly. Shrinking action is carried out to the end, it will cause the rupture of the tissue. This ruptured tissue occurs first in the molt, followed by the xylem, and the bundle sheath, and finally, in the formation.
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