
来源 :中国环境法治 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mujun1
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一、案情与问题2006年9月8日,湖南省岳阳县发生自来水水源受到砷化合物污染事件,饮用水源砷含量超标10倍,影响到10万人的饮用水。事故发生后,岳阳县于9月8日深夜启动应急供水方案,开启县城地下水源,日供1500吨清洁饮用水,同时动员县直属行政、事业单位自备车辆和取水工具,到20公里外的岳阳市区取水点运水。另一方面,从市、县调集18辆消防车、洒水车从岳阳市紧急运送饮用水,并组织数百名党员干部给城关各社区、学校、医院、看守所、特困企业送水,以确保他们生活、生产正常进行。9月9日凌晨1时49分,铁山水库开闸放水。岳阳县自来水污染应急处理指挥部紧急通知沿河公田、杨林、麻塘、城关等8个乡镇做好河道疏浚、安全检查工作,县水利部门加强力量沿河巡逻督导。9日下午,岳阳市又下令新墙河上游忠防水库开闸放水。两个水库开闸放水,流向新墙河,稀释了河水中的污染物,加快了污水团下泄流速。据悉,这是最近几年湖南乃至全国罕见的环保危机个案。这次砷化合物污染尚未发现有人出现中毒症状,但长期饮用这种受污染的水,则会造成中毒。 I. Case and Problems On September 8, 2006, tap water source in Yueyang County of Hunan Province was contaminated with arsenic compound. The content of arsenic in drinking water exceeded the standard by 10 times, affecting 100,000 drinking water. After the accident, Yueyang County launched the emergency water supply plan late on September 8th to open the underground water source in the county and supply 1,500 tons of clean drinking water daily. At the same time, it mobilized the vehicles and water-extraction vehicles owned by administrative departments and public institutions directly under the county to reach 20 kilometers away Yueyang urban water point water. On the other hand, 18 fire engines were dispatched from cities and counties and water trucks sprinkled emergency drinking water from Yueyang City. Hundreds of party members and cadres were organized to send water to all the communities, schools, hospitals, detention centers and the poor enterprises in Chengguan so as to ensure their livelihood , The normal production. At 1:49 on September 9, Tieshan Reservoir floodgate release. Yueyang County Water Pollution Emergency Management Command urgently informed river towns, Yang Lin, Ma Tong, Chengguan and other eight towns do river dredging, safety inspection, county water conservancy departments to strengthen supervision of patrols along the river. On the afternoon of the 9th, Yueyang City ordered the release of Zhongzhan Reservoir upstream of New Wall River. The two reservoirs opened their gates and discharged water to the New Wall River, diluting the pollutants in the river water and accelerating the discharge of sewage water. It is reported that this is a rare case of environmental crises in Hunan and even in China in recent years. The arsenic pollution has not yet found any symptoms of poisoning, but long-term consumption of this contaminated water, it will cause poisoning.
摘 要:社会经济的发展,市场经济制度也不断完善,事业单位会计内部控制的效果也应得到一定的完善和提升,事业单位的内部控制制度中,会计内部控制十分重要的组成部分,对事业单位内部控制的效果会产生关键性的影响。完善的会计内部控制能够提升事业单位内部会计信息的质量,减少财务风险,因此应努力强化事业单位会计内部控制,促进会计内部控制效果的顺利实现。  关键词:事业单位;会计内部控制;完善策略  在事业单位的内
随着社会经济的不断发展 ,国内及国际间贸易的日趋频繁 ,经济关系日渐复杂。具备一定规模和业务多元的公司 ,其面临的法律风险也必然加大 ,公司的重大战略决策必须咨询法律专
1 案例资料rn简要案情 某男,12岁,某乡镇小学学生.某日 16 时 05 分上完体育课,喝矿泉水后自觉腹部绞痛,随即昏迷,不省人事,急送附近医院抢救无好转,转上级医院继续抢救,经抢