今年夏天,古老的南京城烈日当头、高温难耐。然而在高温的背后,却上演着更火热的情景——由南京团市委、市少工委发动74个企业及个人捐赠199170元,由314名志愿辅导员和2187名困难家庭孩子共同参与的105场公益夏令营活动如同一道饕餮大餐,丰富着南京少年的物质和精神世界。这次公益活动,为什么将焦点聚集在进城务工家庭、农村外出务工留守家庭、城市低保家庭、单亲家庭等困难家庭的子女身上?这些孩子最需要什么?社会应该以何种方式给予他们关爱?公益行为又能给社会带来什么呢? 近年来,市场经济条件下的夏令营被沾染上某些商业色彩,许多困难家庭的孩子和成绩不好的孩子常常望而却步。对他们来说,夏令营是一个遥远的“梦”。而百场公益夏令营让这方被遗忘的角落沐浴到了温暖的阳光,让困难家庭的孩子触摸到了童年的快乐!
This summer, the ancient Nanjing city hot sun, heat upstopping. However, behind the high temperature, but staged a more hot scenario - by the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee, Municipal Commission of work mobilized 74 enterprises and individuals donated 199,170 yuan, 314 volunteer counselors and 2187 children of difficult families to participate in 105 Field public summer camp activities like a gluttonous feast, rich in material and spiritual world of Nanjing youth. In this charity event, why focus on the children of migrant workers, rural migrant left-behind families, city dibao families, single-parent families and other difficult families? What do these children need most and how should the society give them care What can public welfare do to society? In recent years, summer camps under market economy have been contaminated with certain commercial colors. Children in many difficult families and children with poor grades often discourage. For them, summer camp is a distant “dream.” And a hundred public summer camp let this side forgotten corner bathed in warm sunshine, so that children of difficult families touch the joy of childhood!