徽州古村落(10) 经风洗雨话古桥

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徽州区域,不仅山多,而且富水。古徽州的村落多依山临水,山与水结,构成山民的生存环境。山再险峻,终能踏出路来,而山间的水上则唯有造桥才能延续这不断的路。于是,徽州人开山劈路、设渡架桥,在徽州大地的河川溪流上修建了一座座永久沟通、风雨无阻的美丽桥梁。这些数量众多、造型各异桥梁,与青山、碧水、古村、驿道完美结合,共同构成了徽州人与自然和谐相处的秀美山水画卷。 Huizhou area, not only mountainous, but also rich in water. The ancient Huizhou villages are more waterfront mountains, mountains and water knot, constitute the living environment of the mountain people. The mountain is steep and steep, and the road to the end can be taken. However, only the bridges can be built on the water in the mountains to continue this constant road. As a result, the people of Huizhou split the road, set up the bridge, in the Huizhou land of the rivers and streams built a permanent communication, the beautiful bridge without a storm. These numerous and varied bridges are the perfect combination of Aoshan, clear water, ancient villages and post roads, and constitute the beautiful landscape picture of Huizhou people living in harmony with nature.