概述岩土工程领域业已开发和应用的大量人工智能 (AI)系统 ,包括场地特性、岩土分类、地基、挡土结构物、边坡、隧道和地下巷道、采矿、液化、地基加固、土工织物、地下水、坝、道路和土石方工程。认为 ,AI系统应当发展成支持工具而不是替代人类专家 ;AI技术适合于解决岩土工程许多方面问题 ,但并不排异其他方法的有效应用。未来的发展方向应当是复合系统 ,即各种人工智能技术与传统方法的混合系统。
An overview of a number of AI systems that have been developed and applied in the geotechnical field, including site characterization, geotechnical classification, foundation, retaining structures, slopes, tunnels and underground tunnels, mining, liquefaction, foundation reinforcement, geotextiles , Groundwater, dams, roads and earthworks. It is believed that AI systems should evolve into supportive tools instead of human experts. AI technology is suitable for solving many aspects of geotechnical engineering, but does not exclude the effective application of other methods. The future direction of development should be a composite system, that is, a variety of artificial intelligence technology and traditional hybrid systems.