【关键词】死 英译
【Abstract】“因病医治无效逝世” is often seen on Chinese mainland media to express the death of powerful figures. But how to translate this phrase into appropriate English is of great concern. This paper seeks to explore the way to translate this expression with Chinese characteristics and “死” in our mother tongue, hoping to inspire further discussions.
【Key words】death; English translation
只要看新聞,经常可以看到媒体有用“因病医治无效”逝世之类的报道。采用高级搜索(百度、必应、谷歌搜索均检索于2016年11月23日),精确匹配,百度搜索4,980,000次,必应搜索97,800次,谷歌392,000 次。通过查看“因病医治无效”前后的搭配来看,基本上都是有影响力的人物,比如搜狐报道“南非前总统曼德拉因病医治无效逝世 享年95岁”;网易“李光耀 因病医治无效逝世终年91岁 曾染严重肺疾”。这些类似报道见诸于各大媒体,值得关注。瓜田指出“‘医治无效’四个字完全可以不要”,而且“‘某人因病医治无效于某年月日逝世’一句在语法上也是值得商榷的。”在他看来,“‘医治无效’搅缠在‘因病’的后边,又不能充当‘因病’的“果”存在,实在是多余的部分,它破坏了‘某人因病逝世’句子的合理性。”吴永亮指出“‘因病医治无效’大概是约定俗成”建议“关于领袖人物或著名人士逝世的新闻稿中,如果是因病医治一段或相当长时间则用“因病于……逝世”,如果是得急性病没及时发现而死亡则用“因突发××后去世”,如果抢救无效则可用“因突发××,虽经抢救无效去世”。本文主要回答两个问题,第一、“因病医治无效如何英译”;第二、“各种死如何英译”。
从英文中来表示“死亡”来看,也有诸多表达,die, kill, commit suicide等。李长栓指出“在网络资讯发达的今天,几乎所有的翻译材料都可以在网上找到相关内容,译者再也不用依赖收词有限、无上下文、无法随时更新的词典。”因此,用语料库来寻找平行文本,有利于翻译将其译文提到更具专业的水准,需要说明的是以下例句均来自语料库。
1. caused/ resulted in 70 deaths
2. left 66 dead and 20 injured
3. caused the death of 1.73 million Iraqi people
4. with 9 people dead, 41 wounded and 700 lightly injured
5. killed two and wounded 13
6. The earthquake claimed thousands of lives/victims.
1. His death at the age of 28 was a bolt from the blue.
2. her untimely death at 28.
3. He died in the pride of his life.
4. He was fated to die young.
5. a young man cut off in his prime
6. died at the threshold of life.
7. His war injuries contributed to his early death.
8. John Keats died at a very young age in 1821. 9. A and B died before their time.
10. the leading contributor of the premature death of her husband.
1. They were ready to suffer death for the sake of their country.
2. She had atoned for everything by the sacrifice she had made of her life.
3. This heroic deed cost him his life.
4. He died a martyr in the cause of science.
5. He has sacrificed his life for the revolution.
6. He died at the cost/expense of his life.
1. commit suicide
2. kill/shoot oneself
3. self-murder
4. self-slaughter
5. He took/ended his own life.
6. Our neighbor tried to make away with herself by drinking poison.
7. He died by his own hands.
8. The unfortunate man shot himself afterwards.
9. A did a brodie (跳河、跳楼)自杀
1. A died.
2. breathe one’s last
3. the deceased
4. Sb departed from the world forever
5. life ended peacefully
6. The great man ceased to think.
7. He went to his eternal sleep.
8. She passed away in her sleep.
9. pass away while sitting cross legged(坐化)
就病人而言,从逻辑上来说“因病医治无效”的最终结局,必然是“以死而告终”。那反过来说,“医治有效”必然就不会死,因此,从这个角度上来说,“因病医治无效”这种表达方式大概可以列为汉语里面的“正确的废话”。“因病医治无效逝世”这种表达方式,也是中国特色的表达方式,作为政治话语体系的一部分,可以视作是一种委婉的表达方式,表示医院方已经尽最大努力去救治病人,但“病人”还是无力回天,驾鹤西去,尘世间的人只能对此表示遗憾。在笔者教授笔译的过程中,发现大部分学生将“因病医治无效”翻译成 “fail to respond to any medical care”。这说明学生还是自己动了脑筋,不是随便去翻译的。带着这种困惑查询,发现学生这一译文来自于“沪江英语”,在该网页上有这么一个说法“Medical treatment failed and the old man went off last night。那位老人因医治无效于昨晚去世了。(出处:http://music.hujiang.com/music/157745/ )”从这个例子来看,搜索谷歌和必应,根本就没有这中表达方式这个例子是译者自己编纂的,把英文的句号打成了中文的句号。当然了,英语表达方式里确实存在“medical treatment failed ”这种表达方式,意思也可以翻译成“医治无效”,在官方报道邓小平遗孀逝世的英文消息中,有不少网站采用了“She died of illness at 12:30 p.m. after medical treatment failed, said a statement issued by the General Office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee”这话大概也是官方中文“卓琳因病医治无效,于2009年7月29日12时30分在北京逝世,享年93岁。”的编译版本。官媒报道样板“原中央纪委委员,第五届全国政协常委刘英同志,因病医治无效,于2002年8月26日23时45分在北京逝世,享年97岁。”大概可以看做一个公式。对于“去世”,先从“李光耀去世,享年91岁”来看各大英语媒体是怎么报道的。
序号 原文 原文出处
1 The elder Lee, who died on Monday aged 91, led the tiny southeast Asian nation from postcolonial backwater to become an Asian financial powerhouse that is starting to rival Hong Kong on some measures. FT
2 Lee Kuan Yew, the statesman who transformed Singapore from a small port city into a wealthy global hub, has died at the age of 91. BBC 3 Lee Kuan Yew, who transformed the tiny outpost of Singapore into one of Asia’s wealthiest and least corrupt countries as its founding father and first prime minister, died here on Monday. He was 91. NYT
4 Lee Kuan Yew, Founding Father, dies at 91. WSJ
5 Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s first prime minister, dies at 91. CBS
6 Lee Kuan Yew, the founding Prime Minister of Singapore, died early Monday morning, according to a statement released by the office of Singapore’s current Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. He was 91. CNN
7 Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew, ’a true giant of history’, dies aged 91. Guardian
8 Mr Lee passed away peacefully at the Singapore General Hospital today at 3.18 am. He was 91. Prime Minister’s Office Singapore
9 Singapore former PM Lee Kuan Yew passes away at age of 91. Xinhua
10 Lee Kuan Yew, former prime minister of Singapore, died early on Monday at the age of 91, according to a statement released by the Prime Minister’s Office. China Daily
1. “人名,同位语,dies at 年龄”(CBS/WSJ)
2. “人名,同位语,dies aged 年龄”(Guardian)
3. “人名,同位语,died at the age of 年龄”(China Daily)
4. “人名,同位语(从句)died. 人名指示代词 was 年龄”(CNN/FT/NYT)
5. “人名 passes away at the age of 年龄”。(Xinhua)
6. “人名 passed away. 人名指示代词 was 年龄” (Prime Minister’s Office)
从各大英语媒体来看,“因病医治无效”这种具有中国特色的表达式,并没有臃肿地处理为“fail to respond to any medical care”,基本都是沿用了上述总结的句式。从语料库的查询来看,这一翻译也符合母语使用者的习惯。此外,从用词的语义逻辑角度来讲,“因病医治无效”导致的结果一定是死亡,医治有效当然就不会死亡了。从这个意义上来讲,“医治无效”就是一个多余的修饰,完全可以简化为“因病去世”之类就可行。值得注意的是,现在媒体也有不少用“因病去世”来代替“因医治无效逝世”之类的表达。在2016年4月29日,央广网、腾讯、搜狐、网易等媒体都一致采用了“因病去世”来报道著名作家陈忠实的去世。翻译家金圣华指出“译者在早期虽有‘舌人’之称,却不能毫无主见,缺乏判断:译者虽担当中介的任务,却不是卑微底下、依附主人的此等角色。”因此,作为媒介的翻译不能唯原文马首是瞻,在翻译的过程中应当做出自己的取舍,在“仆人”和“叛逆”者的角色中寻找到平衡。
[1]瓜田.“关于“因病医治无效”种种”[OL].求实理论网,2010 http://www.qstheory.cn/ts/zxyd/xszlhj/201005/t20100513_29617.htm
[2]吴永亮.“因病医治无效” 真的无法医治吗——兼谈如何对待约定俗成的话语[J].青年记者,2011(4):49-51.
[3]李長栓.非文学翻译[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2009 (93).
[4]金圣华.认识翻译真面目[M].香港:天地图书有限公司,2002 (15).
【关键词】死 英译
【Abstract】“因病医治无效逝世” is often seen on Chinese mainland media to express the death of powerful figures. But how to translate this phrase into appropriate English is of great concern. This paper seeks to explore the way to translate this expression with Chinese characteristics and “死” in our mother tongue, hoping to inspire further discussions.
【Key words】death; English translation
只要看新聞,经常可以看到媒体有用“因病医治无效”逝世之类的报道。采用高级搜索(百度、必应、谷歌搜索均检索于2016年11月23日),精确匹配,百度搜索4,980,000次,必应搜索97,800次,谷歌392,000 次。通过查看“因病医治无效”前后的搭配来看,基本上都是有影响力的人物,比如搜狐报道“南非前总统曼德拉因病医治无效逝世 享年95岁”;网易“李光耀 因病医治无效逝世终年91岁 曾染严重肺疾”。这些类似报道见诸于各大媒体,值得关注。瓜田指出“‘医治无效’四个字完全可以不要”,而且“‘某人因病医治无效于某年月日逝世’一句在语法上也是值得商榷的。”在他看来,“‘医治无效’搅缠在‘因病’的后边,又不能充当‘因病’的“果”存在,实在是多余的部分,它破坏了‘某人因病逝世’句子的合理性。”吴永亮指出“‘因病医治无效’大概是约定俗成”建议“关于领袖人物或著名人士逝世的新闻稿中,如果是因病医治一段或相当长时间则用“因病于……逝世”,如果是得急性病没及时发现而死亡则用“因突发××后去世”,如果抢救无效则可用“因突发××,虽经抢救无效去世”。本文主要回答两个问题,第一、“因病医治无效如何英译”;第二、“各种死如何英译”。
从英文中来表示“死亡”来看,也有诸多表达,die, kill, commit suicide等。李长栓指出“在网络资讯发达的今天,几乎所有的翻译材料都可以在网上找到相关内容,译者再也不用依赖收词有限、无上下文、无法随时更新的词典。”因此,用语料库来寻找平行文本,有利于翻译将其译文提到更具专业的水准,需要说明的是以下例句均来自语料库。
1. caused/ resulted in 70 deaths
2. left 66 dead and 20 injured
3. caused the death of 1.73 million Iraqi people
4. with 9 people dead, 41 wounded and 700 lightly injured
5. killed two and wounded 13
6. The earthquake claimed thousands of lives/victims.
1. His death at the age of 28 was a bolt from the blue.
2. her untimely death at 28.
3. He died in the pride of his life.
4. He was fated to die young.
5. a young man cut off in his prime
6. died at the threshold of life.
7. His war injuries contributed to his early death.
8. John Keats died at a very young age in 1821. 9. A and B died before their time.
10. the leading contributor of the premature death of her husband.
1. They were ready to suffer death for the sake of their country.
2. She had atoned for everything by the sacrifice she had made of her life.
3. This heroic deed cost him his life.
4. He died a martyr in the cause of science.
5. He has sacrificed his life for the revolution.
6. He died at the cost/expense of his life.
1. commit suicide
2. kill/shoot oneself
3. self-murder
4. self-slaughter
5. He took/ended his own life.
6. Our neighbor tried to make away with herself by drinking poison.
7. He died by his own hands.
8. The unfortunate man shot himself afterwards.
9. A did a brodie (跳河、跳楼)自杀
1. A died.
2. breathe one’s last
3. the deceased
4. Sb departed from the world forever
5. life ended peacefully
6. The great man ceased to think.
7. He went to his eternal sleep.
8. She passed away in her sleep.
9. pass away while sitting cross legged(坐化)
就病人而言,从逻辑上来说“因病医治无效”的最终结局,必然是“以死而告终”。那反过来说,“医治有效”必然就不会死,因此,从这个角度上来说,“因病医治无效”这种表达方式大概可以列为汉语里面的“正确的废话”。“因病医治无效逝世”这种表达方式,也是中国特色的表达方式,作为政治话语体系的一部分,可以视作是一种委婉的表达方式,表示医院方已经尽最大努力去救治病人,但“病人”还是无力回天,驾鹤西去,尘世间的人只能对此表示遗憾。在笔者教授笔译的过程中,发现大部分学生将“因病医治无效”翻译成 “fail to respond to any medical care”。这说明学生还是自己动了脑筋,不是随便去翻译的。带着这种困惑查询,发现学生这一译文来自于“沪江英语”,在该网页上有这么一个说法“Medical treatment failed and the old man went off last night。那位老人因医治无效于昨晚去世了。(出处:http://music.hujiang.com/music/157745/ )”从这个例子来看,搜索谷歌和必应,根本就没有这中表达方式这个例子是译者自己编纂的,把英文的句号打成了中文的句号。当然了,英语表达方式里确实存在“medical treatment failed ”这种表达方式,意思也可以翻译成“医治无效”,在官方报道邓小平遗孀逝世的英文消息中,有不少网站采用了“She died of illness at 12:30 p.m. after medical treatment failed, said a statement issued by the General Office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee”这话大概也是官方中文“卓琳因病医治无效,于2009年7月29日12时30分在北京逝世,享年93岁。”的编译版本。官媒报道样板“原中央纪委委员,第五届全国政协常委刘英同志,因病医治无效,于2002年8月26日23时45分在北京逝世,享年97岁。”大概可以看做一个公式。对于“去世”,先从“李光耀去世,享年91岁”来看各大英语媒体是怎么报道的。
序号 原文 原文出处
1 The elder Lee, who died on Monday aged 91, led the tiny southeast Asian nation from postcolonial backwater to become an Asian financial powerhouse that is starting to rival Hong Kong on some measures. FT
2 Lee Kuan Yew, the statesman who transformed Singapore from a small port city into a wealthy global hub, has died at the age of 91. BBC 3 Lee Kuan Yew, who transformed the tiny outpost of Singapore into one of Asia’s wealthiest and least corrupt countries as its founding father and first prime minister, died here on Monday. He was 91. NYT
4 Lee Kuan Yew, Founding Father, dies at 91. WSJ
5 Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s first prime minister, dies at 91. CBS
6 Lee Kuan Yew, the founding Prime Minister of Singapore, died early Monday morning, according to a statement released by the office of Singapore’s current Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. He was 91. CNN
7 Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew, ’a true giant of history’, dies aged 91. Guardian
8 Mr Lee passed away peacefully at the Singapore General Hospital today at 3.18 am. He was 91. Prime Minister’s Office Singapore
9 Singapore former PM Lee Kuan Yew passes away at age of 91. Xinhua
10 Lee Kuan Yew, former prime minister of Singapore, died early on Monday at the age of 91, according to a statement released by the Prime Minister’s Office. China Daily
1. “人名,同位语,dies at 年龄”(CBS/WSJ)
2. “人名,同位语,dies aged 年龄”(Guardian)
3. “人名,同位语,died at the age of 年龄”(China Daily)
4. “人名,同位语(从句)died. 人名指示代词 was 年龄”(CNN/FT/NYT)
5. “人名 passes away at the age of 年龄”。(Xinhua)
6. “人名 passed away. 人名指示代词 was 年龄” (Prime Minister’s Office)
从各大英语媒体来看,“因病医治无效”这种具有中国特色的表达式,并没有臃肿地处理为“fail to respond to any medical care”,基本都是沿用了上述总结的句式。从语料库的查询来看,这一翻译也符合母语使用者的习惯。此外,从用词的语义逻辑角度来讲,“因病医治无效”导致的结果一定是死亡,医治有效当然就不会死亡了。从这个意义上来讲,“医治无效”就是一个多余的修饰,完全可以简化为“因病去世”之类就可行。值得注意的是,现在媒体也有不少用“因病去世”来代替“因医治无效逝世”之类的表达。在2016年4月29日,央广网、腾讯、搜狐、网易等媒体都一致采用了“因病去世”来报道著名作家陈忠实的去世。翻译家金圣华指出“译者在早期虽有‘舌人’之称,却不能毫无主见,缺乏判断:译者虽担当中介的任务,却不是卑微底下、依附主人的此等角色。”因此,作为媒介的翻译不能唯原文马首是瞻,在翻译的过程中应当做出自己的取舍,在“仆人”和“叛逆”者的角色中寻找到平衡。
[1]瓜田.“关于“因病医治无效”种种”[OL].求实理论网,2010 http://www.qstheory.cn/ts/zxyd/xszlhj/201005/t20100513_29617.htm
[2]吴永亮.“因病医治无效” 真的无法医治吗——兼谈如何对待约定俗成的话语[J].青年记者,2011(4):49-51.
[3]李長栓.非文学翻译[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2009 (93).
[4]金圣华.认识翻译真面目[M].香港:天地图书有限公司,2002 (15).