
来源 :AMBIO-人类环境杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qijisama
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极端侵蚀事件的发生是气候要素和地貌要素复合作用的结果。虽然某些地区的环境条件容易导致这些事件的发生,但由于当地的降水在空间和时间上分布极不均衡,对单一极端浸蚀事件的预测还存在困难。这些极端事件对当地地形和自然景观影响深远,它们会改造沟渠系统,改变自然景观,毁坏基础设施,造成极大的经济损失。近来发生的一些事件说明它们也会对人类造成伤害。为保持比利牛斯山地区可持续发展,正在进行的土地利用和土地开发管理的改革,必须将极端降雨事件和侵蚀事件可能带来的不良影响考虑在内。本文运用近期和过去的实例对发生在比利牛斯山地区的极端侵蚀事件进行了综合介绍,并就该地区的风险评价提出了可行性建议。 The occurrence of extreme erosion events is the result of a compound action of climatic elements and geomorphic elements. Although environmental conditions in some areas can easily lead to these incidents, the prediction of a single extreme erosion event is still difficult due to the extremely uneven spatial and temporal distribution of precipitation on the ground. These extreme events have far-reaching effects on the local topography and the natural landscape. They transform the ditch system, alter the natural landscape, destroy the infrastructure and cause great economic losses. Some recent events have shown that they can also cause harm to humans. In order to maintain the sustainable development of the Pyrenees, ongoing reforms in the management of land use and land development must take into account the possible adverse effects of extreme rainfall and erosion events. In this paper, recent and past examples are given to summarize the extreme erosion events occurring in the Pyrenees region and to put forward feasible suggestions on the risk assessment in this area.
TIANSHAN in southern Xinjiang belongs to the Paleozoic island arc system in which volcanic rocks are extensively distributed. A series of epithermal gold depos
1997年 8月至 1999年 1月 143例既往未治的局限性前列腺癌行耻骨后根治性前列腺切除术 ,其中 6 2例为低危险性前列腺癌 :PSA≤ 10ng/ml,活检Glea son计分≤ 7,临床分期T1c~T2b。患者均行六区法前
目的 研究非小细胞肺癌 (NSCLC)的CT征象与 p5 3、p16基因蛋白异常表达之间的相关性。 方法 应用免疫组化SABC法检测 5 2例经手术病理证实的周围型非小细胞肺癌 (NSCLC)石
乳腺癌 (以下简称乳癌 )的历史演变简言之就是从肿块切除———全乳切除———乳癌根治术———扩大根治术———改良根治术———全乳切除———肿块切除的兜圈子过程。当然
1 引 言含有石英+硫化物±碳酸盐矿物组合的矿脉在Ishpeming太古宙绿岩带中普遍存在(见图1).Ropes金矿的这种矿脉是美国已知的产于太古宙岩石中的唯一有意义的脉状金矿床.Ropes金矿矿脉及伴生的蚀变岩
THE study of chemical weathering processes can provide significant insight into not only the behavior ofmigration, deposition and accumulation of REEs and othe