为协调好在北京销售的中药价格,吸引外地优质中成药进入北京市场,北京市场物价局中药价格管理办公室明确了以下定价原则: 凡是本市生产并能满足市场需要的牛黄解毒片、六味地黄丸等169种优质产品,以本市产品比质比价。 凡本市虽有生产但不能满足市场需要或质量不如外地的产品,象上海的六神丸、天津的牛黄降压丸、四川阿坝的西黄丸等,以外地的优质产品比质比价,鼓励外地优质药品进京。 凡是本市不生产、外地有多家工厂生产的产品,选择名牌、老厂、价格适中的为比价标杆平稳定价,象湖北宜昌民康药厂的VC银翘片、江西济生药厂的杞菊
In order to coordinate the prices of traditional Chinese medicines sold in Beijing and attract high-quality proprietary Chinese medicines into the Beijing market, the Price Control Office of the Beijing Municipal Price Bureau clearly defined the following pricing principles: Niuhuang Jiedu Tablets and Liuwei Dihuang Wan which are produced in this Municipality and can meet market needs. Such as 169 kinds of quality products, the city’s products than the quality of parity. Although there are products produced in the city that cannot meet market needs or are of inferior quality, such as Shanghai’s Liushen Pills, Tianjin’s Niuhuang Jiangya Pills, Sichuan Aba’s Xihuang Pills, etc., quality products from other regions are of better quality than others, encouraging quality in the field. Drugs went to Beijing. Any product produced in this city that does not produce or has a number of factories in the field, chooses a brand name, an old factory, and a moderately priced standard for price comparison, such as VC Yinqiao tablets from Hubei Yichang Minkang Pharmaceutical Factory and Qiju from Jiangxi Jisheng Pharmaceutical Factory.