搞好调整 稳定经济

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党的十一届三中全会以来,我国经济发展和体制改革,都取得了巨大的进展。从经济发展来说,10年间,国民收入增长了1.4倍,工业总产值增长了2.2倍,固定资产投资增长了3倍,进出口总领增长了4倍,基本上解决了温饱问题。应该说,这是继第一个五年计划之后,我国国民经济出现的第二个“黄金时代”。同时,也要看到,在加快经济发展和体制改革步伐的过程中,不从我国国情出发,急于求成和急于过渡的思想又有抬头,加以在新形势下对出现的新问题和新矛盾,缺乏经验和对策,因而出现了国民经济新的失调,社会经济生活再度出现不稳定局面。在这种形势下,我国经济发展格局和宏观经济管理,必须进行相应的转变。即由以加快发展和改革,转向集中力量进行经济调整。这就是说,搞好调整,稳定经济,已经成为全党和全国人民当前和今后一个时期内的中心任务。 Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, tremendous progress has been made in the economic development and structural reform in our country. In terms of economic development, during the 10 years, the national income increased 1.4 times, the total industrial output increased 2.2 times, the investment in fixed assets tripled and the total import and export growth quadrupled, basically solving the problem of food and clothing. It should be said that this is the second “golden age” that emerged in our national economy after the first five-year plan. At the same time, we must also see that in the process of accelerating the pace of economic development and system reform, we must not proceed from our own national conditions and rise rapidly in our eagerness to seek solutions and rush to a transition. We should also give new problems and new contradictions that arise in the new circumstances , Lack of experience and countermeasures, which led to a new imbalance in the national economy and an unstable situation in the socio-economic life once again. Under such circumstances, the pattern of economic development and macroeconomic management in our country must be changed accordingly. That is, from accelerating development and reform, they have shifted their focus to economic restructuring. This means that doing a good job of adjusting and stabilizing the economy has become the central task for the entire party and the people throughout the country in the current and in the coming period.
本文运用双面金相法,借助于奥氏体退火孪晶,对40Cr 钢中板条马氏体的惯析面进行了测定,并通过孪晶与基体间的镜面对称关系,求出了在原奥氏体孪晶中形成的马氏体的惯析面.测定
八十年代初,秘鲁在偿还迅速增长的外债方面遇到了严重的困难。在1973-1982年期间,该国的外债增长了1.7倍,平均每年增长了10.7%。结果, 外债在该国国内生产总值中所占的此重
素有“天府之国”美称的四川省,采取了符合本地区的战略和决策——城乡联合一条龙协作发展轻工业,取得了好成效。 优势与劣势 四川省全省有着极其丰富的农副产品和林产品,在