
来源 :邮电企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jjjjedu
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建立适应邮电通信特点的奖励制度,是加强企业管理的重要内容。近年来,镇海局话务班实行劳动超定额奖励办法,对于克服分配中的平均主义,促进通信生产,起到了较好的作用。“跳一跳才能摘到桃子”。推行劳动超定额奖励制,首先需根据职工的业务素质,制定出一个在某个时期内的劳动定额(基数),这是搞好超定额奖励的关键。定额过高,人们只会“望奖兴叹”,定额过低,奖金人人可得,变成另一种分配上的平均主义。所以定额必须因位而异,且具有先进水平,“跳一跳才能摘到桃子”,这样才能起到刺激生产的作用。我局话务班在推行劳动超定额奖励中,就因位而异地制订了定额:①宁波去话台的业务量定额,远远高于其他席位。这是因为镇海、宁波之间只相隔十八公里,两地联系频繁,通话时间短, Establishing a reward system that adapts to the characteristics of post and telecommunications is an important part of strengthening the management of an enterprise. In recent years, the Zhenhai Bureau traffic classes practice labor over quota incentives, to overcome the distribution of the egalitarian and promote communications production, played a good role. “Jump to pick peaches.” The implementation of labor over-quota reward system, first of all according to the professional quality of workers, work out a fixed period of time (base), which is the key to doing well over-quota reward. When the quota is too high, people will only “sigh of disappointment.” If the quota is too low, the bonuses available to everyone will become equalitarianism on the other distribution. Therefore, the quota must vary from place to place, and has the advanced level. It can only play peaches before jumping, so as to stimulate production. Our bureau in the implementation of the work shift over-fixed-value incentives, due to different places to develop a fixed: ① Ningbo to the Taiwan business volume, much higher than the other seats. This is because Zhenhai, Ningbo, only 18 kilometers apart, frequent contact between the two places, talk time is short,
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<正> 神经系统病损部位不同,所致瘫痪的临床表现亦不同。根据不同症状与体征确定病损部位,谓定位诊断。一、皮质型皮质性瘫痪运动区(卜劳德曼4区)局限性病损,表现为弛缓性瘫
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