美国陆军转型计划已经实施了整整5年。实践证明,陆军转型将是一个极为艰难曲折的历程。这不仅仅是因为陆军与其他军种相比,兵种多样,历史包袱更沉重,所以转型的难度更大;还因为陆军肩负着繁重的军事任务,尤其是全球反恐作战任务。目前美陆军仅在伊拉克和阿富汗执行作战任务的部队就达到12.5万人, 旷日持久的伊拉克战争使转型和战备的矛盾日益尖锐。如何合理分配有限的资源,做到转型和战备两不误,一直是美陆军近年来苦苦寻求的平衡点。
The U.S. Army Transformation Program has been in place for exactly five years. Practice has proved that the transformation of the army will be an extremely difficult and tortuous course. This is not only because the Army is more diverse than its predecessors and has a heavier burden of history. Therefore, the transformation is even more difficult. The Army also shoulders heavy military tasks, especially the global war on terrorism. At present, the U.S. Army alone has reached 125,000 troops in Iraq and Afghanistan alone. The long-running war in Iraq has made conflicts between transition and combat readiness increasingly acute. How to rationally allocate limited resources so that both transformation and war preparedness are correct and correct has always been the balance that the U.S. Army has struggled to seek in recent years.