2009—2011年,在河北省承德市承德县、平泉县、宽城县各选择国光苹果园,进行国光苹果郁闭大树提质增效技术试验,通过调整树体结构、加强土肥水管理、精细花果管理、科学防治病虫等集成技术,试验园产量大幅度增加,产值翻番,果品质量大幅度提升,优质果率92%以上。目前,该项集成技术已在当地推广1 730 hm2。
2009-2011, Chengde County, Chengde City, Hebei Province, Pingquan County, Kuancheng County choose Guoguang Apple Orchard, Guoguang canopy trees to enhance the quality and efficiency of technology trials, by adjusting the tree structure, and strengthen soil and fertilizer management, Fine flower management, scientific control of diseases and insect pests and other integrated technology, a substantial increase in test garden production, doubling the output value, fruit quality greatly improved, high-quality fruit rate above 92%. At present, this integrated technology has been promoted locally to 1 730 hm2.